Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Cohesive Transition and Continuity in Driveway Designing

              Cohesive transition and continuity in landscaping is achieved when areas and spaces are utilized to show that there is a distinction between and among the parts of the environment but they are connected to each other giving the impression harmony. This landscaping idea is very much applicable for driveways which surrounding environment has transitional spaces like a gate, front door, lawn and the adjoining road. 

  Constructing a driveway is not installing a concrete path that isn't related to the surrounding landscape and environment. Actually, expert and credible contractors would give you a lot of suggestions as to how your concrete driveway can be designed to blend with other spaces and areas within your residence. The following are some of the common techniques so that your driveway would obtain a smooth transition and continuity.

Staining and engraving a concrete driveway is best used in making focal points. Focal points are designs that are usually seen on the intersecting points of driveway. These can be custom logos, compasses, names, addresses or shapes. Focal points well for transitional spaces because they give a strong and defined statement as you move to another portion of the property or driveway. 

Designing the boundaries of your driveway is another way to achieve smooth transition and continuity. Driveway boundaries are the edges of your driveway on opposite sides. They separate driveway and lawn or whatever elements located near the driveway. Raised edges are designed to protect the driveway from erosion and they are higher than the driveway. Traditional hedges, picket fencing and stone walls can also be used as edges but because of versatility of concrete, curb concrete edges are of great choice. The professional look that curb concrete edges provide is a product of stamped concrete. A variety of patterns are stamped onto concrete curb edges to unite the driveway with other spaces. 
            There could be no other transition trick as effective as incorporating repeated patterns to the driveway itself. Again, this is achieved through stamped concrete. Continuity is created in stamped concrete driveways because of color combinations and you can lay out different lines and shapes depending on the features of the surrounding landscape.

             Build your concrete driveway thinking about transition, continuity and seamless connections!

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